I like it, but i guess the sound is not that good, i didnt understand some parts. i invite you to Watch "minute after" by fernando reyes
haha nice job, good how you have set up and established a sleeze bag then given him his come-uponce all in 2 minutes.Check out mine "Black and White"
hahaha! funny movie man! and loved the idea Nathan! good job!
pretty funny...probably true story for someone! - Nathan 'One'
Heheh, ace! Very clever. Check out a retelling of the Red Riding Hood tale by Vangelis Mylonas
hahaha thx for the laugh, well delivered. good luck! (Batu Ajaib)
Very clever and legitimately funny.--Cameron ("Lucidity")
That's a thoroughly enjoyable and funny film to watch. It had me glued to my seat till the end!